The X-Philes (2nd Revision)
The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso
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From comp.sys.hp48 Wed Mar 4 19:08:16 1992
Path: seq!ecsgate!mcnc!gatech!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!ira.uka.de!sun.rhrk.uni-kl.de!hammes
From: hammes@rhrk.uni-kl.de (Stefan Hammes [Informatik])
Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp48
Subject: What is a Bode plotter - The answer
Message-ID: <1992Feb21.222025.29025@rhrk.uni-kl.de>
Date: 21 Feb 92 22:20:25 GMT
Organization: University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Lines: 142
* *
* This is posted for (and written by) a friend of mine, who cannot *
* post. Please send all replies to him. *
* *
tsarver@uunet.UU.NET (Tom Sarver) asked:
What's a bode plotter?
I have a B.A. in math, but I don't pretend to know every mathematical
term. Could you give me a few sentences about plotting bodes (or bode
plotting) and what your program does in relation to this concept?
BTW, wouldn't hurt to post your description to comp.sys.hp48.
Well, my english isn't the best but I try to explain it !
The bode plotter program is especially developed for use in control
systems. Look at the following picture. It shows a block diagram of
a typical control system. (A home heating system)
--------- -----------
Desired W xd | | Y | Heating | X House
---->( )----->| Valve |----->| |------>
temperature ^ | | | system | | temperature
- | --------- ----------- |
| |
| |
| ----------- |
| | Thermal | |
--------| |<-----------------
| sensor |
The components of a control system are diverse in nature and may
include electrical, mechanical, thermal, and fluidic devices. The
differential equations for these devices are obtained using the basic
laws of physics.
Laplace transformations of these differential equations yields an
algebraic equation, in terms of the complex frequency variables s.
For example, consider a simple electrical circuit shown below, in
which we apply an input voltage v1(t) to an RC network.
( )-----/\/\/\--------------------( )
+ | +
C ---
v1(t) --- v2(t)
- | -
( )-------------------------------( )
The output voltage v2(t) is related to the input through the
differential equation
v1(t) = RC --- + v2(t)
which has been obtained by applying Kirchoff's voltage law. Taking
the Laplace transform of both sides of the equation above, assuming
zero initial conditions, we have
V1(s) = RCsV2(s) + V2(s)
Solving this equation, we get the transfer function
V2(s) 1
F(s) = ----- = ------- | s = i*w (omega), CR = constant
V1(s) 1 + sCR
omega is the radian frequency (w = 2*pi*f)
With such a transfer function we can feed the bode plotter program.
The resulting plots are called Bode plots, honoring H.W. Bode, who
used them in the study of feedback amplifieres. The plots require
semilog graph paper, where the logarithmic scale is used for the omega
axis. Two graphs are required, one for the gain in decibels, defined
as 20*log(abs(F)) plotted against frequency on the log scale, and the
other for the phase shift in degrees plotted against frequency on the
log scale. The simplification in Bode plots result partly due to the
basic advantage of logarithmic representation that multiplication and
division are replaced by addition and subtraction, respectively.
There are several other advantages but this would be to much for this
The logarithmic scale, used for frequency in the Bode plots, has some
interesting properties. First we observe that the logarithmic scale
is nonlinear; that is, the distance between 1 and 2 is greater than
the distance between 2 and 3, and so on. As a result, use of this
scale enables us to cover a greater range of frequencies. Semilog
graph paper comes in one, two, three, or four cycles, indicating the
range of coverage. For example, a two-cycle graph paper has the range
from 1 to 10 and 10 to 100. It is interesting to note that on the log
scale, the distance between 1 and 10 is equal to the distance between
to 100. This distance is called a decade. In fact, the distance
between k and 10k, where k is any positive (nonzero) number is equal
to the decade. This follows because 'log 10k - log k = log 10 = 1'
Similarly, the distance between k and 2k is equal to the constant log
2, and is called an octave. It may be noted that we cannot locate the
point omega = 0 on the log scale since log 0 = - infinite.
Consider the transfer function
F(s) = -----
1 + s
To simulate the semilog graph paper for a magnitude plot, the HP-48SX
has 'only' to plot the following EQ.
EQ: '20*log(abs(inv(1+i*alog(w))))'
This all is done by the bode plotter programm. That's all for now.
* * *
* |) /\ |/ * Organization: Fachhochschule Osnabrueck *
* |\./--\.|\ * Fachbereich Elektrotechnik *
* * *
* Rainer A. Kemme ****************************************************
* Sedanstrasse 16 * *
* W4500 Osnabrueck * *
* Germany * Internet : kemme@jupiter.rz.uni-osnabrueck.de *
* Ph.: +49 541 61252 * *
* FAX: +49 2651 48845 * *
* * *